
What is Restricted On Facebook

The restricted list is a special buddy list every Facebook users has by default (you don't have to develop it), "What Is Restricted On Facebook". Individuals you include the your limited good friend list will just see your public posts and status updates. So if you are good friends with colleagues and companies and do not desire them to see any of your posts besides public updates, the restricted list is the method to go.


What Is Restricted On Facebook


The restricted list is the easiest method to limit pals on Facebook from seeing any of your updates that are not public. You may have your Manager, your previous companies, your ex and sensitive relationships on Facebook, if you don't desire them to see your wall posts, your photo uploads, tagged pictures and everything else, it would be best to add these Facebook pals to your limited list.

Now here is how you discover the so called "limited list of friends" on Facebook:

1. Login to your Facebook account, click the "settings" icon and choose "account settings".

2. Click "Blocking" in the left sidebar.

3. In the next page, select "Edit list" under the area "Limited list", as displayed in the following example:

4. When you click "Edit", you will be able to add or eliminate Facebook good friends to your limited list. You would also be able to examine which of your existing freinds were currently added to this list and are banned from seeing any of your updates that are not public.

When and Why you must Restrict Individuals On Facebook
You may question-- why not add all them into a generic "blocked" good friend list, or include them to my acquaintances list, rather than utilizing this limited pal list. What is the benefit of utilizing restricted buddy list over a basic good friend list with which I will never share any post or update?

Here is the difference.

When you include good friends to your "Limited list" they can just see the details and posts that you reveal. Facebook does not inform your good friends when you include them to your Limited list. You don't have to remember your privacy settings everytime you post to Facebook, or fret about with whom a specific post is shared. If you have actually added your employers and senstive friends to the restricted list, they will never ever have the ability to see any of your updates, however you can continue to be buddies with them on Facebook and exchange IM chats and messages. (associated-- avoid complete strangers from sending you friend demands on Facebook).

I have a lot of friends in Facebook and I use buddy lists very sensibly. Until now, I used to put all those friends with whom I do not mean to share anything to the "associates" list and would have the default privacy setting as "Pals other than acquaintances". The issue with this approach is that when I utilize multiple devices e.g iPhone, Android or the iPad, I needed to consistently cross check whether the privacy setting is consistent across all these gadgets.

However, with the restricted list function, I never have to stress whether my not so close can see my Facebook posts, status updates and images that I do not want them to see.

Hope this pointers were valuable? Do not hesitate to make use of the comment box listed below for your inquiries and relevant contributions on What Is Restricted On Facebook. Many thanks.

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