
Facebook On Twitter

Suggestion and show you the best ways to incorporate it into your social media method. Today we show you the best ways to link your Twitter account to your Facebook account so that your tweets are immediately posted to Facebook, "Facebook On Twitter".

Your buddies on Facebook might be quite different, and equally unique, from your fans on Twitter. If you just post updates to Twitter, your Facebook good friends may be losing out on fascinating or helpful updates from you. You can copy and paste updates from one social media website to another, but here's a much simpler method to make sure your posts are seen by audiences on both platforms.


Facebook On Twitter

1. Go to the Twitter Apps page
2. Click Link to Facebook
3. License the application by logging in to your Facebook account if you're not already logged in completely-- it is 2017 after all. This will connect your Twitter account with your Facebook one! You can then choose exactly what will be posted automatically on Facebook from the exact same Apps page.

After you have actually authorized it, this will reveal up:

You'll have to authorize it publishing to your page that you handle (depending upon the approvals or page role that you have) and you're good to go!

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